Indiana Cut Stone has extensive experience creating perfectly matched replacement stone for Indiana limestone restoration projects. Masonry contractors across the country and around the world recognize Indiana Cut Stone as the industry leader in fabricating limestone for restoration projects. Only Indiana Cut Stone has an entire department dedicated to fulfilling orders for restoration projects that is led by an industry expert in Indiana Limestone restoration.
The consistency of the Indiana limestone deposit means that even limestone buildings and monuments that are decades old can be perfectly matched and repaired to provide a seamless restoration. We will carefully examine the existing stone to determine the exact color and texture required to create replacement limestone pieces that will seamlessly blend into the more weathered stone. Indiana Cut Stone’s restoration specialists can help you identify the exact material you need to restore damaged buildings back to their former glory.
For another limestone repair project, our restoration team examined the damaged and severely weathered stone to determine the best replacement options. After careful analysis, Indiana Cut Stone fabricated an exact match replacement stone. Our work providing perfectly matched Indiana Limestone for restoration projects is unsurpassed.
If you would like to discuss your next restoration project, please contact us today.
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